An R wrapper to the Airtable API.


rtable comes with two APIs, classic and R6, both come with the same functionalities.


This document will help you get setup. First head to Airtable and create an account if you do not have one already. Once logged in head to your account page, where you should see your token.

You are advised placing your token as a environment variable in your .Renviron file. The easiest way to do so is using the usethis package.

# install.packages(usethis)

Then place the following inside.

RTABLE_API_KEY = "<my_api_key>"

This way the token will be loaded automatically in your session, it is also much more secure than including it in R scripts and Shiny apps.

Either APIs require:

  1. An API key (described above)
  2. A base id (described below)

To obtain your base id head to the API documentation page and select the base you want to work with. The base id will be the URL of the resulting page (first element in path), it starts with app, i.e.: appeDnXpirVfc0UAh